
[divider class="" ]Don’t Rock the Boat

Unlike our gentle rocking, there were boats outside of the harbor that really rocked. Even on the other side of the pier, there was a drastic change in how much the boat rocked. For the boat truly outside the harbor, it must have been a miserable evening and morning!
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I decided to get an early start before the rest of the crew woke up so I sat on the deck waiting for everyone else. Unfortunately, the next door neighbour decided they wanted to leave... so we had to re-dock, but it was more annoying this time! Especially as the neighbour did not leave for over an hour, thus delayed us from exploring!

The Little Village

We had grand plans to walk around our little village, but it ended very quickly as we walked from one end to the other in about 45 minutes. From the coast, we had great views of the little city. We also could see the shoreline and everything was beautiful.
MF and Nick declined to join so it was Kathryn, Sarah and I. As we noticed a bakery sign, we obviously had to stop there for our breakfast! The bakery was awesome. It was outside the village by about 300 meters, but contained delicious goodies! Since we walked, we also got to haul the goods back to the boat.

Beach or Boat?

Since we decided we were not sailing today, we had so many options. Basically, which beach should we go to?? In the end, we were lazy and opted for the hot springs and easy access. It was a long way to the beach from the boat…
At the beach, we all alternated between laying out, napping, reading, going into the water, chatting, bobbing to music, and relaxing. It truly is a hard life! Due to MF and I’s expert sun screen layering on, we had to opt for shade. It was slightly depressing, but the sun is so hot here so I was grateful for the shade!

The Hunt

Even though we are only on day 3, despite our best efforts, we still haven’t found a good souvlaki. Or as the Greeks call it, chicken. Yes, apparently a souvlaki is a gyro in Greece and a gyro is a tourist name! Anyways, we proceeded to the other Cafe on the island for a mid afternoon snack.
Big surprise, it was amazing! The souvlaki was really tender and lovely. We also had great bread, tzakiki, and they even brought out fresh watermelon and honey melon!


Instead of hanging out in our little village, Captain recommended the Hora in Kythonos. He said it was very cute town with coffee. The man loves his Fredos! Thus, we suited up and hit the town!
Thanks to our connections, our Captain’s friends called us a cab. Fitting all 5 of us, it was a very entertaining ride. Basically, Kathryn got to lay down in the backseat with everyone as we literally zig-zagged through the narrow island country roads!
In the capital, we wandered through the marble streets. It was lovely. Since it was dusk, the light was fading in half of the city and the lights were coming on! However, we faced a major decision that no one wanted to make - where to eat dinner!!
By the time we finished our stroll, I was starving and getting very hangry. TripAdvisor wasn't that helpful, downsides of a small island, but we finally did find a place. It was exactly where we were first dropped off by the taxi. It was a very family run business and the food was extremely tasty. I ordered the lamb with some sides and the meat just falls off the bone!
Since everything on the island appears to close early, Nick and I raced near 11pm to the proper ice cream store. It was delicious. Compared to my other ice cream today, it was so much better! We were very happy with our choice!

[divider class="" ]Kolona Beach Day!

Our day began late as we were hoping to leave. We waited and waited, but ended up just going to the Nick's new favourite place.

Brunch on the Island

We brunched at Nick’s new favourite place, a cafe right next to the harbour. It was really relaxing after a hectic morning! We bought more supplies at the general store and all got on the boat to head out.
However, the captain had other plans... Due to the rocky waves, he recommended waiting it out on this island. We debated it for a bit, but ultimately looked to the boats on the outside of the port and decided we wanted no part of that!

What to do?!

We decided we should rent motorbikes and explore the island. Unfortunately, we did not have motorcycle licenses.... I guess we should have thought about it more!
We then waited on a taxi. It was hot and we all started to get tired and hungry as we waited to go to Kolona beach. Okay maybe that was just me!


Most likely the only bar and building on Kolona Beach, Coconuts was a very popular place! Just kidding, I think we were one of 2 tables! Since it looked more like a shack versus an actual restaurant, we decided to go veggie and get the classic Greek Salad! With the tables painted as country flags, we had to sit at the... British table! PS - there was no American table.
While waiting on our food, we listened to get the great electronic tunes... There was one song that we think played on repeat. We only know the 2 main words - foot work. Make that foot work. We were so puzzled on why we had to it!
This Greek Salad deserves its own paragraph because it was THAT delicious. It was a mountain of cucumbers, tomatoes, onion, olives and feta and it was delicious. It was by far the best salad we had on the trip! I would also say possibly the best feta we had on the trip. We were thrilled by this little shack on a tiny beach!


Our views were incredible for the remainder of our afternoon at Kolona. We basked in the sunlight and enjoyed the surf! For most of these beach shacks, it seems like if you buy something, then you can sit there for free! We were very sad to leave our very private beach.


Unfortunately, my day ended early. Something was not sitting well with my stomach so I stayed on the boat and enjoyed me time!

 From One Island to the Next


We actually have a boat!