Visiting Cund in Rural Romania

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Remember to click here to the main summary to read about general Transylvania planning tips and tricks!

Our Transylvania Roadtrip

If you want to read about our excellent roadtrip, here are our other days:

Bonus! Days 8-10: Sibiu to Cund

Because we had a few extra days in our itinerary, we decided to treat ourselves to a rural holiday in remote Cund. Apparently, these "rural" holidays are growing in popularity especially in rural countries like Romania and Bulgaria.


For this rural experience, we specifically chose this amazing AirBnB located in the farming village of Cund. The village consists of 1-2 gravel roads and took about 10-20 minutes to walk from one end to another. For our house, it was very spacious with great wood floors, comfortable beds, and basket of farm fresh goodies from cheese, bread, jams, butter, and eggs. It was fantastic!

Lazy Morning

Since we were heading to a rural village with possibly nothing to do (in terms of village life), we made our last morning in Sibiu a really lazy one with the aim of a final lunch at Max. Safe to say it was a great morning for foodies!!

Onto Cund

Whilst we are backtracking our way to Cund, the drive was quite lovely as it was my favorite part of the whole trip! Except when we got to the dirt road... In order to get to Cund, we went back in time to a land before roads. This was Mary Frances' favorite part of the entire trip (joking!)!

As we drove through the village, we relied on AirB&B pictures and his words as there were no signs or numbers. Welcome to rural Romania!

Village Life

As soon as we entered our lovely farmhouse, we knew we were in for a treat. Not only were we missing 50% of modern life like TV, modern appliances, etc, our neighbors were very quiet - for farm animals! After we settled into the farmhouse, I took time to explore our new village.

Immediately, I found our neighbors, sheep and cows! Why did the cow cross the road? To literally get to the other side!

As I walked through the village, it was incredibly peaceful. First of all, the houses are beautifully designed and painted in the traditional Saxon way with the large house and then a courtyard. Next, the serene beauty of the rural farmland was awesome. It was great.

Since we had zero food supplies until our goodie basket arrived, I was also looking for a shop or anything to be open. Unfortunately, the cheese shop was close. As was the roadside cafe / shop. So was the real shop. Oops... It was a long night.

Rural Romania

For our only full day in rural Cund, we did not do much other than read, enjoy the peacefulness of farm life, and feast on the basket of farm fresh goodies of bread, jam, cheese, and eggs!

Next Time...

Now that you've read this chapter of our Transylvania Roadtrip, click below to continue onwards, or head back to another day!


Our Transylvania Roadtrip Summary


Sleepy Sighisoara