Key Takeaways from Oktoberfest 2019

The Gang

Unlike last year, Mary Frances and I were well prepared for round 2 of Oktoberfest. Dressed in our traditional lederhosen and dirndl, we stormed the tents and proceed to have just as much fun and made it well past our time last year!


Well over a year in advance, we purchased our flights to Munich on Easyjet from London Luton. Rather than be surprised with expensive tickets, we opted for the first available. At the time, it was a huge risk as we did not know where we would be in a year’s time!

For our hotel, this was a fun story… Similar to our other trips, we had a lot of interest - until it came to booking! As emergency plans, I originally booked refundable hotel stays at 2 spots with different price points. While this would cost about $125 per person per night, we would have really close hotels next to the fairgrounds.

Shortly after I booked these hotels, MF’s friend Jenni found a steal of a hotel one street from the fairgrounds for Friday thru Sunday. The room would fit 5 people, serve breakfast, and be within stumbling distance from the exit. While it did increase the room price to $130/night per person, it was well worth it!

Since we were arriving on Wednesday, I decided to use Hilton points to stay at Munich City. At a room rate of $350 a night, our 70k points per night was a great steal! Plus, we had great Hilton service and wouldn’t have to worry about AirBnBs or anything.

Fixed Costs:

  • Hilton Munich City: 70k night or $350/night cash value
  • Friday-Saturday: $500 for MF and I for Hotel Uhland
  • Roundtrip LTN - MUC flight: £240

Preparation for Oktoberfest

Since this post is the official 2019 Oktoberfest post, I wanted to share where we managed to find authentic lederhosen and drindnel. Dating back to our last Oktoberfest visit and our Christmas market visit, we wanted to buy authentic stores at Steindl Trachten. While it would be more expensive, this would be an investment…. At least that is what I told myself!

On Thursday, we ventured to the new Steidel store and saw it was “closed” in honor of German Unity Day - yet there were customers inside. Um, what?! We had flown a few days early just to buy our outfits in advance of the festivities. Luckily, we managed to sneak in the back door and pretend like we were there the entire time! 

Feeling good after shopping

My Turn

For us, we knew that we had about $400 to spend on our outfits - about $200 each. However, I wanted to see I could beat the budget. I tried on all the cheapest lederhosen - even ones that were 2-3 sizes too small - just to beat the budget. Unfortunately, I gave into the friendly yodeler and purchased an authentic investment…

Her Turn

Since MF released all her stress on helping me shop, she was as calm as a cucumber for her turn… Jokes! Overwhelmed by the entire row of dresses, we went up and down the aisle searching for the perfect pair. Thankfully, her knight in shining lederhosen found the perfect dress. Unfortunately, it was 1 size too big, but she made it work! Throughout her journey, she had other Americans commenting on the fantastic dress and even the shopkeepers!

Her outfit!

Freaky Friday

Leaving off where we left Oktoberfest last year, we went back to the Lowenbrau tent for a freaky Friday!

The Journey

Moving from the swanky Hilton Munich City, Mary Frances and I dressed in our gear and walked ourselves to Hotel Uhland. At first, we were one of the few folks dressed and carrying our luggage. The closer to the station we became surrounded by folks! 

Once we checked into the hotel, we decided to wait for the rest of the gang. Jenni and her friends Haley and Alex were in Europe visiting Austria and Italy and were almost in town. Thankfully, we did not have to wait long before we headed to the famous Oktoberfest festival grounds!

The journey was about to come full circle as we immediately went for the Lowenbrau tent - the site of MF’s ultimate fail and our early exit from Oktoberfest. However, this year would be very different!


The Table

Instantly, we walked to the familiar side and couldn’t get a table for 5 people. Instead, we walked upstairs to the second level and found a table that was 1 away from the ledge. Basically, we were on the 2nd row behind a pillar with no way to see the real action!


However, patience is a virtue and if you wait, a table will open! That is what happens when we waited for a front row seat to open up! Thankfully, someone was too drunk and had to leave at the front row table so once they left, we immediately nabbed it! Instantly, we had front row seats to amazing Oktoberfest action!!


Two liters is better than 1

Oktoberfest, but off the beaten track

Eventually, our fortunate ran out and we were kicked out for the dinner service around 6pm. Each tent in Oktoberfest turns over at least half the tent for lunch and dinner services. In order to have dinner, you have to reserve months in advance and at least have a full seating of 8 or so. Thus, if you have 5, you’ll still be short of the full 8 and still have to pay for the missing 3 people. Some people are optimistic and say they will find 3 friends but I am frugal so I would prefer to keep it simple!

Lowenbrau is fun

Once we were kindly escorted out of the Lowenbrau tent, we wandered through the festival to find any other seats. However, at 6pm, we would have been better to find the Waldo than a seat at Oktoberfest. Because we were hungry, lost, and confused, we went to another outside bar and found a table! The atmosphere was just as amazing and the beer and food much cheaper!

Follow the leader

Enjoying the hug


Food for days

Eventually, MF was getting very sleepy so I knew that I had to get her home quickly. Unlike last year, we had a very short walk back to our hotel and MF actually knew the way home. Therefore, MF ghosted and left us at the bar and we finished our liters of beer. Surprisingly, Jenni was out of sorts for the evening so it was really great walking home for the 5 of us! 


Second Saturday

Italians, beer, food, and dancing on tables - our second Saturday is a day to remember - if some of us could!

Lazy Morning

Despite being in very close proximity to the festival, our round two did not really begin until very late. In fact, I would say we all got dressed very early and then laid around the hotel room. Some would say it would be the fear of beer, but it was a mix of terrible sleep, fear of beer, and then we just didn't think we would be able to start drinking this early. Part of me wanted to go just to get inside the tent, but I couldn’t be bothered… I should have rushed us!

Rain, rain go away!

It’s the Wait

When we finally arrived at the festival, it was very late - around 12pm. By then, most of the tents were full and we started standing in line for a few. At one tent, someone started kicking on the front door so they threw everyone in line out! We finally managed to grab a decent spot in line at the main Paulaner tent. Then, the wait began…

Waiting game selfie

Lines were crazy!

The wait was almost unbearable for someone who is impatient - aka me. First, it was a long crowded line. Second, it was raining. Third, it was cold. Fourth, I actually wanted beer for once! We waited and waited - very patiently - in this line. Time flies when you’re having fun! By the time we were let into the tent, it was past 1:30pm and we rushed to find beer and food!

Tag Team Effort

Once we made it inside, we were determined to never leave! However, our table search was very unsuccessful and we had to stand in the corner whilst holding our heavy liter beers. At least we had beer! 

The gang

Look at the couple...

Jenni and MF

Whilst standing in the corner, MF was scanning the room and noticed a nearby table would be available soon. As soon as the words left her mouth, I sprinted over to the table and waved over a few others to help hold our turf. While I would like to credit our marriage for producing our mind reading abilities, I cannot admit this is true!

Pro Tip: Tables require a tag-team effort. As soon as someone spots an open table, do not hesitate and one of you immediately go and stake your claim!

However, like all good things, we had a definite ending time that we discovered as soon as we tried ordering another beer… At 4:30, we would lose our table to the infamous dinner service. Therefore, we used the table to formulate our next steps and rest our weary legs! 

The Search begins Anew

Once we were kicked out of our lovely table, our search began anew for a table. For what seemed like hours, we were walking around the entire place for a table. In the aisles, sidelines, and hanging from the chandlers, we were searching for a table. 

Again, our tag team efforts paid off and MF spotted an empty part of the table. There were 3 older Italians in the front, so we went the girls to ask for the seats. Turns out the drindels were big hits with the Italians as well! 

The crowd



Let the Fun Begin!

As it was nearly 5pm and we had not eaten, we were starving for food and beer. Because we were in a rowdy section, the best way to get noticed by the waitress is standing up and waving your arms at someone. Thankfully, it got the attention of the waitress and I was able to order us beer and food! We were so happy! MF ordered the speckle while I had the schnitzel. Both portions were very big and equally delicious. 

Pro Tip: If you want to get the attention of a waitress, stand up and wave until they see you! They can’t see you if you’re sitting down. 

Initially, we were thinking that the Italians were older gentlemen who wouldn’t mind if we took over their table. Then, the Italians became crazy - or more drunk. We were ordering round after round of beer and the men began to pay attention even more closely to MF and Jenni. Once they found out MF was married - especially to me, they were very sad. One of them even played out a Romeo and Juliet death scene once he found out… I don’t think their sadness lasted long as their affection and attention switched to Jenni!

She likes to boss me around

Jenni and the Italian

Haley not so sure...

Group selfie

Chug, Chug, Chug!

Now the smile

Jenni, Alex, and Haley

Not sure why Jenni did this...

Selfie game is strong

Night time!

We had an absolute blast at this table - showing that random strangers often will make your day at Oktoberfest. The Italians could barely speak English, but we communicated through merry songs and beer! More importantly, we lasted until 9pm! This was a new record for MF and I!!

The UnChartered Oktoberfest Tips

  • If you go, the group needs to be stealthy and patient. You need have patience and wait for your opportunity, but need to be able to sneak past others to grab the table!
  • Oktoberfest requires a tag-team effort. If one spots a table, do not hesitate and the other runs to the table
  • We saw some white powder at the festival. While some may actually have cocaine, but most will have harmless peppermint
  • Similar to our tips last year, please dress up in the traditional wear! The costumes are fantastic and really bring together the atmosphere.
  • Same as last year, you should know where your stuff is located at all times and have it ready to run. We packed my jacket pockets with our wallets, extra chargers, and phones and were able to sprint out of the tent!
  • While cash is king at Oktoberfest, I would not worry about withdrawing too much beforehand. This year, we did not worry and just withdrew at the tent’s ATMs.


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