Ahoy Prague, maybe?

Translation of Ahoy means goodbye in Prague. We both were very excited about the famous Prague Christmas markets! However, we forgot about the prospect of never leaving this Winter Wonderland, maybe?

[divider class="" ]Planning:

Back in the fall, we researched the best Christmas markets in Europe. Prague consistently is in the top 10 and we both enjoyed our time there in the past. Thus, it became very easy to convince us to go back there again!Since it was early December and both of us have work deadlines around the same time, we decided to fly out late Friday night and return early-ish on Sunday. I booked a new airline for us - Wizz Air - and I had heard one would either really like or dislike the airline.For lodging, I planned a very central hostel room. While I enjoyed my previous hostel, it was far from the city center and most importantly the Christmas markets! On Sunday night, I unexpectedly booked us a room at the Hilton where we were upgraded to the presidential suite! Perks of being a Diamond member![gallery size="large" ids="1312,1311,1313"]

  • Flight: £60
  • Hostel: £20
  • Two Extra Days in Prague: 50+ hours and £500
  • My Contempt for Wizz Air: Ongoing...

[divider class="" ]Saturday:

Since we arrived late on Friday night, we went straight to the hotel. The only memorable act was the driver was hilarious! He said that it was cold and his crappy car probably wouldn’t start. It may have been one of those ‘had to be there’ moments.On Saturday morning, we took a bus into the city and ended in the main square. Since our hostel was down the road, we quickly dropped off our bags and headed back for food. Then disaster struck… mostly my fault.We were in line at this delicious looking roasted ham with goulash. Well, I thought it was 200czh for a slice, which is very reasonable. Somehow, I ended up paying 900czh for 2lbs of ham. Waste of money and ham! I felt ashamed![gallery size="large" ids="1314,1287,1315"]

Walking Tour:

On the ensuing walking tour, I walked with my head down. I could still smell the ham… ‘cause it was in my backpack. The walking tour was great though! We had a really good former history teacher from Ohio. He was really informative and he told us a lot.Our first stop is one of the most photographed landmarks in Europe - the special astronomical clock. It is what it is - a clock. Other than that, it is insanely busy. We learned schools in Spain, Italy, and Belgium were out for break thus leading to insane crowds!During these Christmas market theme trips, we strangely revisited most of Mozart’s former homes. We saw where we composed a few treasured pieces and one of the (almost) ancient concert halls owned by monks! Another really touching piece of art is the Jewish stars within the sidewalks. They are sprinkled throughout the main shopping street and recognize all those who died during the war.[gallery size="large" ids="1320,1335,1337"]One great thing about these walking tours is the guide’s recommendations! Again, this guy is outstanding and came prepared! He printed all his recommendations and we could just take a picture. So, if ever in Prague, see below! We sadly said ahoy to Lyle and made our way back to warmth.After the tour, we decided to test his restaurant recommendations. We went back to the hostel to warm up and then walked around the block to the place. It was SO COOL! Afterwards, we did what we did best - shop at the Christmas markets.[gallery columns="2" size="large" ids="1321,1307"]

[divider class="" ]Sunday:

After a very restful and peaceful sleep at the hostel (jokes), I dragged Mary Frances on a castle walk! She loves me…[gallery size="large" ids="1290,1305,1299"]Rather than take the metro straight to the castle, we walked through the cold! It really scenic walking along the Danube and then gradually walking above the city skyline. It was beautiful.[gallery columns="2" size="large" ids="1323,1322"]Since the castle is still used as the presidential palace, we had to go through security. We discovered a hidden Christmas market! It was so cool since it was right next to the old church! We walked through the true old town and it was gorgeous. The best part of the Prague Christmas markets were the various forgeries. They would take metal and forge really cool pieces of art.[gallery size="large" ids="1319,1298,1296"]After our castle walk and one more ‘quick’ run to the Christmas markets, we headed for the airport. Once there, we waited and waited. Back in England, there was a massive snowstorm that temporarily closed several airports - including crappy Luton. Wizz Air still had our flight on-time until five minutes before the flight was suppose to take off.. At least we were in the airport lounge!!!

The First Ahoy:

We headed to gate and waited again with many frustrated passengers. Next, we heard a rumor that the flight was cancelled. Unfortunately, we knew it was true once people began literally running back to check-in desk area. As we stood in line, we researched a few things. How to get revenge on Wizz Air, how to get home, what would happen next, etc. Misery makes company and boy I made friends fast! While MF guarded our bags, I consulted with a few friends how to get home.Once a really nice flight attendant came over, everything ‘settled.’ She said the next available free flight was Tuesday and all costs until then would be reimbursable. YAY! Wait, we had work… While we quickly texted our bosses, we settled on the idea of going to our home away from home - Hilton.[gallery columns="2" size="large" ids="1325,1334"]We left our merry group of friends and went straight to the Hilton. Once there, they kindly informed us we were upgraded to the suite! Shining moment on this awful day. I then had to call Wizz Air and change our flights. By this time, it was 2 am and I was very tired and frustrated. And not home…

[divider class="" ]Monday & Tuesday:

Unfortunately, both of us decided to take our work laptops on this trip because we came straight from work. Thus, we worked and worked. Other than the presidential suite, we had amazing views of the Powder tower and castle from our room!One of the cool perks was meals were essentially paid for by Wizz Air! We decided to go to back to our favorite steak place for all you can eat! Other than that, we strolled around the city and enjoyed the crowd-less markets.[gallery size="large" ids="1303,1326,1327"]Outside of bathroom breaks and food runs, we didn’t get to explore the city anymore. Looking back, I should have taken advantage of the situation and done a beer tour or perhaps gone to the best restaurant in the city! Hindsight is always 20-20, right??Heading back to the airport on Tuesday, I was extremely cautious. I kept waiting for the flight to be cancelled. In addition, I saw several familiar faces! We saw one guy who we ‘met’ at the Luton lounge on Friday and then kept seeing throughout the city and on Sunday. Once we reached Luton, I almost kissed the ground. Except it was really cold.[gallery columns="2" size="large" ids="1328,1329"]When we got to our car, it was covered in snow. It was probably a good thing that we got delayed otherwise driving on Sunday night would have been nearly treacherous. For some, the allure of playing in the snow was too much…[video width="1280" height="720" mp4="https://www.theunchartered.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/10C69905-5EA3-4501-801E-179DE3DD0548-1.mp4"][/video]

[divider class="" ]Food:

On Saturday, for lunch, it was very disappointing… I bought 2lb worth of ham that wasn’t even that good. Luckily, I had a good hotdog, but it was pretty disappointed. Thankfully, Saturday dinner redeemed my choices! The place is called Kantyna and it is a butcher shop with freshly cooked meat. They have a very limited menu with burgers, hotdogs, and specials. Or, you could be adventurous, pick your meat at the counter, and they would cook it for you! First, we split a pastrami sandwich and one of the best burgers I have had in Europe. Next, Mary Frances and I split a fantastic steak. It was food coma heaven! The best part of the meal is all of it, plus 3 glasses of wine, cost maybe $10…[gallery size="large" ids="1332,1331,1306"]On Sunday, we ate at a really cute cafe with fresh croissants. Other than that, we held up our strange new tradition of only eating Christmas market food. We can only get it once a year so might as well!On Monday night, we had lovely Thai food as takeaway and revisited our favorite steak restaurant. Unfortunately, it was not as good as Saturday, but it was still really satisfying.I am happy to report one of my final meals of the Christmas season is the Trdelník - the fried dough covered in cinnamon sugar and/or chocolate sauce. It is delicious.

Finally Ahoy:

Fortunately, we were able to say ahoy to Prague. Although our time was unexpectedly extended, Prague is still an amazing city. Full of cheap drinks and food, we feasted like kings and strolled through the beautiful and historic streets.

[divider class="" ]The UnChartered 13 Summary:

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